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HI Team,

As we all know that we can't prevent user to disable to protection of Anti-Ransomware within existing version but can we hide the system tray icon and shortcuts from start menu/desktop?

I tried deploying module with the /noicons argument but no luck and all shortcuts are placed.

Need your advice to get this fixed.

And more quick question: which process is required for MBARW between MB3Service and MBARW.EXE. Because If can delete the below registry entry:

"Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Malwarebytes\\Anti-Ransomware\\mbarw.exe\"--starttray")


Then there will be no tray icon and process of mbarw.exe after reboot.



Edited by Mansoor
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Hi @Mansoor, thanks for joining our Malwarebytes forum!

Looks like you also submitted a support ticket for this issue as well. Our support has responded via email. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see their email.


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I'll share the answer to this question so that any future customers who are wondering the same thing maybe able to come across it.

There is no option within the program to disable the system tray icon for MBARW. You could delete the registry start entry if you really want to as the MB3Service will still run, however, understand that the consequence of this is that all interaction, as in notification to the user that something has been blocked or the restart action that will be required to finish killing a ransomware attack, will no longer happen. It cannot be done without impacting the program's basic functionality.

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