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I have the MB3 CU3 build on two machines, and had enabled self-protection.

Now I see I can't disable self-protection on either machine. If I try to set it it to off, nothing happens.

What now?

I can't uninstall or upgrade to CU4?

Is there any way to fix this or completely uninstall MB3 now?





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OK - I was able to upgrade to CU4 on one machine so far..

But surely one should be able to disable the self-protection module? Or is this by design. I am sure I have done before.

The only way to disable it seems to be deactivating my lifetime license.



Edited by paulderdash
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Hi paulderdash--

Thanks for reporting this.

This is a symptom we see sometimes if you over-install the "bundled" beta installer over an existing Malwarebytes 3.0 installation.  If you do a clean uninstall / reinstall instead you can usually avoid this problem.  I've updated the announcement post to reflect this.

The reason disabling your license also works is that self-protection is not designed to run in Free mode, so it shuts down automatically.

So, if you do a full uninstall of the previous version and then reinstall the build, are the self-protection settings now responsive?  Bottom line, you should be able to adjust self-protection settings as you like, so this is definitely a bug.

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