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I recently installed Malwarebytes Pro and now I am getting regular BSODs due to a Bad Pool Header.

This seems to be a common occurrence when I have googled the problem.

Crashes always seem to occur when I am online.

I have rebuilt my machine and reinstalled but no joy.  I am running Windows 10

How do I fix this or do I have to just stop using the program?

Many thanks

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We have seen situations where Web Protection can cause this issue. There's two possible things we can do to rectify this:

  • You can turn off Web Protection until an update come out. This can be done under Settings -> Protection, however note that you will have less protection when navigation to websites that would normally be protected.
  • Or you can download the base install of 3.0.6 from https://malwarebytes.box.com/s/4lvqnogr3waf8lzkpkn4z0o4qxjto9oy. You will want to make sure to disable component updates by going to Settings -> Application and unchecking "Automatically download and install application component updates", otherwise the CU3 update will be installed again and lead to this issue.

If possible, can you provide a few more details?

  • DxDiag: Press the Windows Key + R. Type dxdiag in the box and click OK. Once the progress bar at the bottom of the program completes, click Save All Information and save the file to your desktop as dxdiag.txt. Then upload that file here
  • Also, did you have any issues with Malwarebytes Web Protection stopping you from accessing websites?
Edited by dcollins
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To add, I just ran WhoCrashed and got this:

On Fri 10/03/2017 21:45:17 your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\memory.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module:
mwac.sys (mwac+0x6C8A)
Bugcheck code: 0x19 (0x20, 0xFFFFAB8A5CF90D00, 0xFFFFAB8A5CF90D20, 0x40200D0)
file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mwac.sys
Malwarebytes Web Protection
company: Malwarebytes
description: Malwarebytes Web Protection
Bug check description: This indicates that a pool header is corrupt.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. This might be a case of memory corruption. More often memory corruption happens because of software errors in buggy drivers, not because of faulty RAM modules. This problem might also be caused because of overheating (thermal issue).
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver: mwac.sys (Malwarebytes Web Protection, Malwarebytes).
Google query:
Malwarebytes BAD_POOL_HEADER

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