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Site blocked


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I've asked the Web Protection team to look into this. Can you send a log from MBAM showing this block?
MBAM2 - History> Application Logs> Export the Protection log that shows this detection.

MBAM3 - Reports> Scroll to latest "website blocked" that has this detection & export the log.

Copy/paste the results here or you can attach the report if you saved it as .txt


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I had already deleted the exported *.txt report but managed to find it back browsing through my previous disk images (as this happened a week ago) ...   :P

One additional info worth to be mentioned : I'm running MB version 3 since beginning of the year, but curiously this site was only flagged on 8th February (!); as said before, I have set it into the exclusions since then.

Site bloqué MB.txt

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Hello Dashke,

Alright : done. As a test, I just synchronized the internal clock manually with the server (through Windows settings) and MB didn't complain but this doesn't mean much because, as you can read from my additional info in post #3, this blocking is (was ?) a bit strange ...

Anyway, I'll report here if a further blocking happens again.  

Edited by throkr
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