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Version 3.0.6 : still issues when coming from safe mode

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Installed version 3.0.6 over previous version 3.0.5 without problem (Win 10 1607-Build 14393.693-) and tested the behavior after coming back from safe mode; these are the issues now :

-   language reverts to default (English)

-   malware protection is disabled

-   updates are lost; MB asks for search of updates

-   scheduled scan settings are lost (reverts to default)

-   on dashboard, protection history reverts to default (null) and MB tells that no scan has be done yet (which is wrong in my case; previous scan logs are still present)


Hope this helps for the future improvements ...   ;)

Edited by throkr
added running Windows version
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Hi @throkr, does this happen everytime you come back from safe mode? If so, can you please follow the instructions below to gather some logs for me? Thanks!

  1. Open Malwarebytes and go to Settings -> Application
  2. Turn on "Event Log Data"
  3. Reboot to safe mode, let MB3 start
  4. Reboot back to normal mode, let MB3 start and wait 5 minutes
  5. Zip up the following folder C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs
  6. Upload the zip file with all the logs
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Hi dcollins,

This issue happens every time I come back from safe mode without networking (no problems from safe mode with networking). As in this mode, MB doesn't "start" as such, I opened the main UI through the Start Menu for the test results (and could already see there that the issues were present).

Attached, you'll find the requested debug logs.

Thanks for your time !   :)


Edited by throkr
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Thanks @throkr! Out of curiosity, are you seeing your settings get reset everytime you reboot? According to the logs, after the first time this happened (which is to be expected coming from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6), this has never happened again. The logs show that everything is being read correctly, scheduled scans are being created, etc. Can you confirm that your custom settings are being changed?

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Hi dcollins,

Maybe my own mistake here : I didn't correct the settings after each reboot... I'll repeat now again the steps 3 & 4 above three times and change the settings to the correct ones after each reboot. I'll attach the new logs to my next post.

Another info : as stated in my first post, I installed 3.0.6 over previous version 3.0.5 initially but since then made a clean install of version 3.0.6 (iow : complete uninstall of 3.0.6 and reinstall again).

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Here are the details I noticed after the three reboots :

-   after reboot 1 : issues as stated in my first post BUT it seems that resetting the correct language (French) also corrects all the other settings (except the delay for the notifications to close : reverts to default - I set it to 7sec). Sorry, I didn't notice this earlier. 

-   after reboot 2 & 3 : malware protection is disabled but all other settings are correctly retained.

The complete logs are attached.

I hope that my explanations are clear enough and that all this is gonna help you.

Thanks again for your time !   :)


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Hmm.. definitely strange. Can we get a few more pieces of information from you if you don't mind?

  1. Please download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool from here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/farbar-recovery-scan-tool/ and save it to your desktop.
    Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system
  2. **After you click the Download Now 64-bit, or the Download Now 32-bit, another page will open -- DO NOT CLICK ANY ADDITIONAL 'download now' buttons, just wait and look toward the bottom of your browser for the option to Run or Save. Click Save.
  3. Double-click to run it. When the tool opens click Yes to the disclaimer.
    Note: If you are prompted by Windows SmartScreen, click More info followed by Run anyway.
  4. Click the Scan button.
  5. When the scan has finished, it will make produce 2 logs in the same directory the tool was run from. Please attach the following logs to your next reply:
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Ok! The good news is that when you come back from Safe Mode, it's expected for real time protections to not start properly the first time. This is something we are working on adjusting for a future release, but it is intended behavior at this point.

Now on to try and solve the configuration problem. Just to be clear, you aren't manually editing any configuration files correct, you're doing it all through the Malwarebytes program?

If so, let's try something. Please follow the instructions below

  1. Please download the attached fixlist.txt file and save it to your desktop
  2. Then download Farbar Recovery Scan Tool from here http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/farbar-recovery-scan-tool/ and save it to your desktop.
    Note: You need to run the version compatible with your system.
    **After you click the Download Now 64-bit, or the Download Now 32-bit, another page will open — DO NOT CLICK ANY ADDITIONAL 'download now' buttons, just wait and look toward the bottom of your browser for the option to Run or Save. Click Save.
  3. Double-click to run it. When the tool opens click Yes to the disclaimer.
    Note: If you are prompted by Windows SmartScreen, click More info followed by Run anyway.
  4. Click the Fix button
  5. When the process has finished, it will save a log in the same directory the tool was run from.
  6. Download the fixlist.txt file again and save it to your desktop (running FRST will delete the file the first time)
  7. Now reboot your computer to safe mode and check to make sure that your settings were lost. If not, please keep rebooting until your settings are changed.
  8. Open up FRST and click the fix button
  9. When the process has finished, it will save a log in the same directory the tool was run from
  10. Please upload the following two files to your response
    fixlog - safe mode.txt


Edited by dcollins
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14 hours ago, dcollins said:

Just to be clear, you aren't manually editing any configuration files correct, you're doing it all through the Malwarebytes program?

Yes, I'm doing it within Malwarebytes.

Obviously, the loss of configuration happens only once after the very first reboot from safe mode. In order to reproduce it, I had to load an image (just for this test) prior to my results in post 10 and this worked.

-   after reboot 1 : language reverts to default (English), delay for the notifications to close reverts to default, web protection is disabled (and not malware protection as mentioned in my previous posts). All other settings are retained (don't know what happened in my 2 previous tests; probably my own mistake)

-   after further reboots : web protection is disabled. All others settings are correctly retained

I hope this clarifies the situation (sorry for the confusion); attached are the logs of the test. 


Fixlog - safemode.txt

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Exactly ! As I didn't loose the settings even after a few reboots on the system as it is per today, I came on the idea to load an image before the first reboot (thus before the date of the results reported in post 10); this way, I was able to reproduce the situation after the first reboot again ... 

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Just for info : installed over 1458 without problem.

As to check, I rebooted to safe mode and noticed "normal" behavior (for the time being) : web protection disabled, all other settings correctly remembered (that's all ok as this was not the first reboot to safe mode).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Becky,

Just to make things clear about the reason of my update to this thread : after installing this beta build, the web protection isn't deactivated anymore (as it was the case before); now it is the ransomware protection.

And yes, I'm starting it manually.

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  • 1 month later...


Just for info : with MB - 1075 (Win10 1607 - Build 14393.953), the issue is still present. When coming from safe mode, the ransomware protection is deactivated (manual start works fine).

Edited by throkr
added OS details
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48 minutes ago, throkr said:


Just for info : with MB - 1075 (Win10 1607 - Build 14393.953), the issue is still present. When coming from safe mode, the ransomware protection is deactivated (manual start works fine).

Yep, this is expected at this time until we rework how our services handle safe mode.

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