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Drive by update Scam?

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I spend a good bit of time on wikia pages. Recently, they started cracking down on the use of Adblock Plus and making the pages unusable if you had it enabled. I disabled my ABP on a few wikis and at the marvel.wikia.com site, I had this pop up today. Firefox needs an urgent update and pops up with firefox-patch.js. Is this even legit? I think that if my version was in need of update, they'd push it all through the internal updater, which makes me think this is a drive by scam. The page is hxxps://dongeelmeridianodecordoba.org/8911241280461/dfdff70574c7cc2b3d22fa9ede46633f/77f6261f75e35372c2729b7d63c6b401.html

I didn't download the file, for fear if this really is crud that has no place on my system.

Have ya'll seen this before?

Edited by gonzo
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