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Malware byte scan won't finish

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Running malwarebytes on my Windows 8 pc, but the scan doesn't seem to finish. It stops midscan while scanning file system and never finishes. No popups, it will just sit for several hours on scanning a single file. I'm running the latest version, and tried safe mode to no avail. Any suggestions ?

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Hi @Joe1237, we have been made aware of an issue with scanning certain files that causes this issue. If this issue happens everytime, try going into Settings -> Protection and turning off the "Scan within Archives" option. Then run a scan and see if it still hangs. Not scanning within archives can potentially limit your protection, but it's more protection than having the service crash and not protect you at all. We are hoping to have a better long-term solution in a future build.

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Same issue here for several days. Last night I did a scan. Nine hours later it was still unfinished and stuck at heuristics. This is an intermittent problem.

Five minutes ago I completed a scan with no problems in 5 mins. That was about 4/5 times faster then usual.  I have a lot of files on my system. The heuristic part of the scan took about 15 seconds. I hope that all files are being scanned correctly.

I should add that this scan was not a continuation of last nights scan which I cancelled, but a new scan!


Edited by zorba
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been having the same problem, though my scan won't get past the final scan just before heuristic analysis. That problem was happening before too and I got rid of the program and updated with a new one. It worked fine for a week and now the same problems as the last version. I saw a post below that recommended turning off the "scan archives"... I'll let you know if that works. Otherwise.... what to do? Thanks.

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Thanks for following up @Machete. Once the scan hangs, can you please open up command prompt and type the following command, then upload the files output.txt that will be put on your desktop? You should be able to copy the command below, then right click in your command prompt window and click paste

sc query mbamservice >> "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\output.txt"

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Sure, here is the output:

SERVICE_NAME: mbamservice 
        TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS  
        STATE              : 1  STOPPED 
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 1067  (0x42b)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
        WAIT_HINT          : 0x0

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Awesome, this means the service is most likely crashing still, which is not awesome. Can you follow the instructions below to grab us a log file of the crash? Thanks!

  1. Close Malwarebytes by right clicking the icon in the System Tray and choosing Quit Malwarebytes
  2. Download the attached ProcDump.zip file
  3. Place procdump.zip in C:\
  4. Right click on procdump.zip and then choose properties
  5. In the window that pops up, click the unblock button near the bottom and then click ok
    Screen Shot 2016-12-21 at 11.06.23 AM.png
  6. Extract procdump.zip.
  7. Check that the extracted files are in the directory "C:\Procdump"
  8. Right click "mbamservice_procdump.bat" and select Run as administrator.
    • If you did the steps correctly you will see the following:
  9. Open Malwarebytes again
  10. Run a threat scan with MBAM 3.0.
  11. When MBAMSERVICE.exe crashes it should close that command window and generate a memory dump file in "C:\Procdump".
  12. Please upload that crash dump. Note that the dump file may be too large to upload here, if it is, please upload the file to wetransfer.com and send the file to dcollins@malwarebytes.com


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On 1/23/2017 at 7:01 PM, dcollins said:

Awesome, this means the service is most likely crashing still, which is not awesome. Can you follow the instructions below to grab us a log file of the crash? Thanks!

  1. Close Malwarebytes by right clicking the icon in the System Tray and choosing Quit Malwarebytes
  2. Download the attached ProcDump.zip file
  3. Place procdump.zip in C:\
  4. Right click on procdump.zip and then choose properties
  5. In the window that pops up, click the unblock button near the bottom and then click ok
    Screen Shot 2016-12-21 at 11.06.23 AM.png
  6. Extract procdump.zip.
  7. Check that the extracted files are in the directory "C:\Procdump"
  8. Right click "mbamservice_procdump.bat" and select Run as administrator.
    • If you did the steps correctly you will see the following:
  9. Open Malwarebytes again
  10. Run a threat scan with MBAM 3.0.
  11. When MBAMSERVICE.exe crashes it should close that command window and generate a memory dump file in "C:\Procdump".
  12. Please upload that crash dump. Note that the dump file may be too large to upload here, if it is, please upload the file to wetransfer.com and send the file to dcollins@malwarebytes.com


Hi Devin,

I've sent the crash dump to your email address. The file is only 2MB zipped, so you shouldn't have a problem receiving it.


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Thanks @Machete, we're looking into this to see if we can figure out what exactly caused it. Can you please do one more thing for me?

  1. Open Malwarebytes
  2. Go to Settings -> Application
  3. Turn on the option for Event Log Data
  4. Run a threat scan
  5. Wait until the process hangs
  6. Wait 5-10 minutes
  7. Zip up the following folder by right clicking the folder and choosing Send To -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  8. Upload the zip file that is created

Note that the ProgramData folder may be hidden, you may need to turn on showing hidden files or type the path manually.

Edited by dcollins
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  • 3 weeks later...

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