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Question about CCleaner updates


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Hi all,

I have a question about CCleaner updates. When I went to update CCleaner today, I was on https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download, but when I clicked "download" it took me to filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/ instead of https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/standard. About 5 minutes later, I went back to https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download, clicked download again and was taken to the right place, mentioned above. Is there something malicious about the two websites, or is it because I tried to update CCleaner from its interface instead of going directly to www.piriform.com and going to the "download" section? When I originally downloaded CCleaner, I downloaded it from https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/standard . 

https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/d35b47a62f474f1b0892d98ef4b1d4f13550b5733ec67c21a566ec86e36f5bfe/analysis/  <-- Filehippo

https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/0ea925777abe7e9fd3d2992031afe1807e9bd7984c1cc0f249f76a1ca1d254ce/analysis/  <--Piriform


Michael                                                                                                           Happy Holidays, Everyone! :D

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When I updated CCleaner earlier, I updated it using https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/standard . Also, is Filehippo considered a safe website? I don't download software from it, or any other third-party sites, but I just want to make sure that it's safe because it has had mixed reviews from people. One of VirusTotal's scanning engines says "Malware site" but the other 67 say "clean." Is that a false positive on the part of that one scanning engine?

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Piriform use Filehippo to distrubute 'standard' Ccleaner updates, I've never had a problem downloading it from Filehippo.

You just have to watch that you are clicking on the correct (green) download button and not the big (blue) advertising download.

I think it's these misleading download buttons that make some reviewers dislike Filehippo, as well as the fact that they often bundle bloatware in the downloads so you have to be careful to untick the options if you dont want the bundled browser/toolbar/whatever.


If you go to the Piriform site itself there are also options to download the 'slim' or 'portable' Ccleaner versions; usually a day or two after  the 'standard' version is released.

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