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What about users of MBAE Premium with MBAM 2 Free

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I have a few users of MBAE Premium with MBAM v2 Free. As it happens I have also just renewed the 3 platform subscription for MBAE Premium.

For the sake of some sort of continuity, what happens to MBAM v2 Free? Is there a MBAM v3 Free? Also, I have a couple of old PCs with pre-SSE2 processors which won't run MBAE v3.

I need to ensure that my users continue to receive uninterrupted MBAE service. I will review the MBAM 3 situation and will want to be able to transfer my MBAE to good use with MBAM v3 Premium in the near future when I have better digested the implications of the new all-singing all-dancing product.

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For the sake of some sort of continuity, what happens to MBAM v2 Free?

Check the thread in the Honorary Member section (the one posted by exile)


Is there a MBAM v3 Free?

Yes there is. It still works like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware v2.x. You are offered a 14 days trial of the Premium version which you can decline and/or once it expires, it reverts back to the free version.


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But what about the subscription for MBAE Premium which I paid on  27 October 2016? How can I use it to help pay for a year's subscription for a 3 platform package of MBAM 3 Premium? I am clearly not going to receive value for paying for MBAE Premium now that all installations of MBAE will shortly become Premium by default.

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I now have a comprehensive handle on the release of MBAM3.  The issues I wrote about above are now understood and can be worked around.  It only remains to get confirmation that future standalone MBAE versions will not expire after 6 months.

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