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3.0 is great, but.....

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Installed perfect;y, I did a threat scan.  Very Very Fast !!!   However some PUP items were discovered in the registry and the scan results screen truncates the long registry address.  What is needed is a right click context menu item to actually GO TO the registry location yourself to investigate, or to go to containing folder containing a suspicious file.  It is very hard to determine exactly what the threat is without being able to see its location on the screen


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Greetings :)

You should be able to use the export function to copy/paste the details to a text file or export it and that should show you the full entries/items detected, including the full paths.  That said, I agree with you that offering a function to jump to the items in question via context menu (right-click) selection would be beneficial and is something I believe we already have in our request queue, though I'm unsure if/when said feature will be implemented.

Edited by exile360
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