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Who do you contact if your Malwarebytes Pro program tells you that your ID and Key are not valid and I have had this for years, but it not the first time this has happened. It is the first with this key though.

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I was sent a email with the key and id, and I sent back that it was not working and that person asked for a snap shot and I am no wizard but think that would broadcast my key if I did that so I have not taken a snap, it simply say please enter valid key

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I already sent  my key to a support but not sure it was support , for I got two emails one that said they where closed the other asked for a screen shot so they have my key now , but I have the receipt. Any way I want it out of my machine this will be the second time I lost a paid version of Malwarebytes and not sure I want to try again, Although it needs to be removed right and did not seem to want to let add and remove take it out. One day I will find out who the ___ keeps getting into my computer .

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How do I remove these posts? Thank you the key and id where entered right yesterday and would not take , but today it did. I was going to upgrade but could not remove in Add/Remove the Malewarebytes program and get the more advanced but also needed to know if that would work in Windows 7 if I ever get it repaired. Thanks and please let me know how to delete these posts of maybe you can do that


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Its up to the staff to remove your posts. I would not worry about these posts. In time they will work there way to the back pages.  You posted logs here:  If you click on the link below 

you can follow up on putting in Malwarebytes, or if you want it removed?    you can get instructions!  regards...


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