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MBAE production version will not run on pre-SSE2 processor but MBAE beta(?) can


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Oh dear! MBAE production version will not run on pre-SSE2 processors but MBAE beta(?) can.

The version numbers for 1.09 are confusing. I will hang onto the installer for the time being.

Edited by hake
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Hi hake,

Pre-sse2 processors compatibility is still not part of our automated build process. We will manually create a build for users requiring pre-sse2 support with all the latest fixes in a day or two and provide an update on the forum. Hang in there. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.


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Thank you in advance, Arthi, for creating a solution for pre-SSE2 processor users. That will be much appreciated. I guess that you will eventually have to cease support of our old hardware so might you be considering that the final version which does support pre-SSE2 processors will be equipped to recognise the presence of pre-SSE2 processors and so selectively disable automatic updates to future versions of MBAE?

Edited by hake
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I have attempted to do as requested and my following comments are about what happened.

The installer/uninstaller mbae-uninstaller.exe for both MBAE and 1264 seems to require a SSE2 compatible processor. On my pre-SSE2 processor equipped PC it fails twice with illegal instructions and so is unable to create MbaeSvc among other failings.  However, the MBAE beta mbae-uninstaller.exe does work (almost). It also fails with an illegal instruction BUT it is able to create MbaeSvc although it cannot start it. I do not know the options required to manually create MbaeSvc but at least I can manually start that service.

If I edit my hOSTS file to prevent mbae-svc.exe from accessing the Internet to update to the latest production version, MBAE beta is usable but I guess that being a beta it will only work for 6 months.

If the installer executable for MBAE were to be modified to be capable of running without 'illegal instruction' errors, I could then attempt to check if the actual MBAE software comprising versions or 1264 is capable of running on pre-SSE2 processors.

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On 11/16/2016 at 0:04 AM, Arthi said:

Pre-sse2 processors compatibility is still not part of our automated build process. We will manually create a build for users requiring pre-sse2 support with all the latest fixes in a day or two and provide an update on the forum...

Any chance pre-SSE2 compatibility will be made part of your automated build process?  Sooner rather than later, as, as it stands now, I'll keep my 2 legacy (SSE) computers on v. with automatic updating unchecked and my Hosts file modified!  I can't see a manually created pre-SSE2 build as something of lasting value...

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/18/2016 at 0:34 PM, hake said:

Will MBAE time-out after 6 months? Hope it doesn't. I guess that it is reliable. It behaves that way.

As mentioned in another beta-thread, MBAE works on my legacy PC with SSE only CPU.  Just installed it and .. so far .. it's all good. Hope it stays that way, as I have dropped 1.08 in favor of this 1.09 version .. fwiw.

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