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Anti Exploit not working on Windows 10


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Hello, hopefully this will be a quick answer for your super helpful experts out there!  MBAE seemed to be working fine on my old laptop with Win 7.  I've just had to buy a new laptop with Win 10, and MBAE seems to no longer be working.  I tried the below Tester, and I did not see an alert popup window from MBAE.  Sorry to take up your time, but how may I be sure MBAE is working on Win 10?  Thank you!


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Hello rlee_la:

Reference: [README FIRST] >>> Posts here need to include MBAE logs <<<.

Using the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip (not .7z or .rar) archive file for MBAE developer team analysis:


Please attach the .zip archive to your next reply to this topic.  Thank you.

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Hi 1PW,

Thanks so much for the quick reply.  First, I need to please clarify that I'm running the free version of MBAE.

As for the instructions, point #1 (pasted below) links to the 14-day free trial and the paid version.  Would you please point me to how I may confirm that I have correctly downloaded the most recent free version?  After I confirm that I have the right version, I will happily follow the remainder of the instructions.  Thank you!

  1. Make sure you are running the latest version of MBAE. The latest available stable version is announced here.


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Hello rlee_la:


"Would you please point me to how I may confirm that I have correctly downloaded the most recent free version?"

You may open MBAE's GUI, and if not already selected, please select the "General" tab.  The complete version number of that MBAE installation is near the bottom of MBAE's GUI General display.

Thank you.


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Hello 1PW,

Though I was able to open MBAE earlier, I've tried today and now I'm getting the following message:

The MBAE service is taking too long to start.  Please reboot your computer to restart protection.

I've rebooted multiple times, and nothing changes.  I still get this same message.

I was going to try to uninstall and re-install MBAE, but I am unable to do so. When I go to Uninstall in the app list, it takes me to Uninstall in Control Panel, but MBAE doesn't not show up in the uninstall list.

Thanks again.

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