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My management console is failing after about 24 hours of uptime.  Specifically, I am getting an error with ID 7034 from source Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider, with the detial


The Malwarebytes Mangement Service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 2 time(s).

I am running Management Console version 

I am not sure where to begin troubleshooting this one. Search of forums came up blank for me.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

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More information on this. I disabled the cleanup settings for Obselete logs / clients.  This allowed the management service to stay alive and collect data from clients.  I have been running manual cleanups for the past day, and the log keeps getting a bit smaller (as reported by console, but not realized in app_data folder in MBMC install path), but still fails eventually and kills the service.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is much too large for embedded. We'd need to review how many machines you have deployed and if your policy is setup properly to deal with infections. If you take no action on certain items you can blow you database out pretty quickly with repeated detections that are not being removed. Create a ticket by emailing corporate-support@malwarebytes.com and I'll pick it up out of the queue there to continue working with you.

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