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False Positive - win32app_1


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Seeing a reoccurring alert from MWB. Wondering if this is a false positive as I can't seem to locate the problem file.

MWB Support suggested I post on the forums.


Alert Time: 10/18/2016 9:38:36 AM
Server Hostname: (server)
Server Domain/Workgroup: (mydomain.local)
Server IP: (server ip)
Notification Catalog: Client
Malware threat detected, see details below:

10/18/2016 9:37:15 AM (PC name) (PC IP) Rootkit.ADS < No action taken > c:\Windows\system32:win32app_1



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This ( win32app_1) is actually an Alternate Data stream that is attached to the system32 folder here, hence why we detect.

See here for more information what ADS are: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/101/2015/07/introduction-to-alternate-data-streams/

We have come across this win32app_1 once in a while and we aren't sure what program generates this one. We are still investigating, but this one doesn't look like a malicious alternate data stream, although it's very uncommon nowadays for adding alternate data streams to folders, especially the system32 folder, hence why we alert here.

You can safely ignore this detection - and in case you select to remove this anyway, malwarebytes will just remove the alternate datastream only, so it won't break anything.

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