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Just registered to report this happening to me as well. The build 14942 update BSODs at 75% consistently while reporting "mwac.sys" as the culprit. Uninstalling MBAM completely resolved the issue. My MBAM Pro had all the default settings - rootkit scan not enabled.

I just attempted to reinstall MBAM after successfully updating to 14942 build and received a BSOD before installation could complete. I didn't check what Windows reported as the culprit, but I'm assuming it was "mwac.sys" again - not really feeling up to trying again just to check! Hopefully there's a fix for this soon; I'm pretty dependent on my trusty Malwarebytes :).

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Build 14942 is an insider build on the 'Fast Ring'.

As such it is a beta-test version.


Beta-test versions are likely to contain various bugs, thats why they are there - for testing to report the buge before general release.

(For instance it is already widely reported that in some cases trying to run Edge in build 14942 will crash Edge itself, and in some cases crash the whole operating system).


This suggests that your problem is with the Windows insider build itself rather than with MBAM.

You can't expect MBAM, or any other software, to make changes to suit what is after all a testing build. (If it was a problem with a stable build that that would be different).


If you are going to stay on the Windows Insider Programme then the builds of Windows 10 that you get will have bugs from time to time; insider builds are not 'stable' releases of Windows 10.

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Thanks nukecad - you've told us what we already know, i.e. that we are using a pre-release version of Windows 10 (specifically Build 14942).

The purpose of these messages is to alert everyone that there is a severe problem involved with MWAC.sys that immediately crashes Windows 10 on installation startup.

I avoided the problem easily on two different computers by stopping Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium (not uninstalling it). In particular, I stopped also the web access control feature, as well as removed it from the "startup on windows 10".

I happen to also use Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium which I also "Stop Protection" (not uninstall). This probably is not related to the crash.

This must be done BEFORE allowing the Windows Update trying to install this new "Windows 10 Insider Preview 14942".

On my computers, both automatically uninstalled the update and returned to the prior Windows build. No problems here. Then follow the above to disable Malwarebytes before this update to install this build. Then no problems.

I hope this is more helpful than corrective to inform you that it is your fault, rather than explain what happened AND tell you how to work around the problem.

Yours respectfully, Bill Veeneman


PS This problem "mwac.sys" and these builds 14942 are reported elsewhere in the forum, and as best I can tell, the staff at Malwarebytes are trying to figure out the cause and solution (as of right now 10/10/2016 3pm EDT).


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