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Exclusion List Issue

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My Android phone (Lollipop 5.1.1) runs a vendor-supplied software update program (RockClient) that MWB identified as a PUP when I first ran it.  I was satisfied with the explanation the vendor gave me so I put it on the exclusions list.  MWB has recently begun to flag it as a virus so I am wondering if the issue is with the app or an update to MWB that somehow removed my exclusions list.

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Thanks for the reply.  I am at this point assuming an update to MBAMM reset the list for me, which is not even necessarily a bad thing, but perhaps somehow the initial launch of a new version of the app should politely inform users that if they have upgraded they may have to re-do their Whitelist.  Since that's about my only complaint, what's my problem ?? :lol:


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