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autostart gone


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For some reason the app Kerish Doctor just informed me that Malwarebytes Anit-Ramsomware was removed from startup. No idea why, what or how. Was simply reading an article on the Internet using Internet Explorer at the time. A re-boot confirmed that the app does not startup at boot. However the MB3Service is running. Started the app manually but, is there no way to tell it to auotstart again from the GUI? Can do this manually but, not sure where the startup entry is supposed to go. I assume
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]. Will do this for now until someone advises differently.

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Hello jopa66:

More compromise may have taken place than meets the eye.  Rather than a simple re-install of MBARW Beta8, please consider the following clean install of MBARW Beta8 (v0.9.17.661):

1. Close all open user applications followed by a conventional Windows based uninstall of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware through the Windows system Control Panel.  This step may not be possible if a previous Beta was uninstalled.
2. If MBARW Beta8 was uninstalled successfully, the following sub-directories will have been deleted from a typical Windows 7SP1 x64 system:
                                             "%ProgramData%\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\"

3. If any of the above directories remain, please delete them manually.  If necessary, any remaining/uninstalled directory must be deleted in the Windows Safe mode.
4. Execute a conventional Windows restart to the Normal Windows boot mode and log-in through an Administrator's account. <===IMPORTANT!
5. Using an Administrator's account only, download a fresh MBARW_Setup.exe file and save to the Administrator's Desktop from the New version - BETA 8 - now available! topic.
6. Right-click the saved MBARW_Setup.exe file and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpg  Run as administrator from the context menu and continue.
7. Upon a successful installation, please restart the computer in a conventional manner to the Windows Normal boot mode.  If the previous or new issue is discovered, please do not take any further action but report the symptoms in this topic.

Please reply to your topic with the status of your original reported issue.  Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valued feedback.

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6 hours ago, 1PW said:

Please reply to your topic with the status of your original reported issue.  Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valued feedback.

Followed the steps that you outlined. No issues to report and all seems well. Will run Anti-Malware and report back if anything shows up. Also, I disabled Softperfect RamDisk before I re-installed. There was no issue such as in my other post here:


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