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offline start blockes the service


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launching the SW I get the message: 'Your license failed to activate'. I have captcha driven Internet access and MAR beta doesn't start properly. It needs Internet access immediately. If not - I cannot launch it and need to restart the computer. I am afraid that for dial in Internet access it won't work :( Any hints? Maybe producer needs to change this function...

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Hello Konrad and :welcome:

Using only the native Windows built-in zip utility, please create the following .zip archive file for MBARW developer team analysis:

Please create a .zip archive file (not .7z or .rar) of the directory:


Please attach the .zip archive to your next reply.  Thank you for your beta testing contribution to the Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware (MBARW Beta) project and your valued feedback.

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Looks like it's OK now. Probably iolo System Mechanic launching on Start was bringing the mess... pls. see the file. Well even switching off the MARW - something wasn't accessible:

    C:\Users\JacekD\Documents\Wyrzuc\MalwarebytesARW.zip: Cannot open C:\ProgramData\MalwarebytesARW\MBAMService\logs\MBAMSERVICE.LOG
!   The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

I am average Windows user :)I thing log is crucial...


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Hello Konrad:

Rather unexplainably, the logs directory seems void of content.  Please try an orderly power down followed by a cold start & login to the Administrator account that installed MBARW Beta and repeat my instructions in post #2 above.

Thank you again for the beta testing help.



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