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Can you still become infected?


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It is all about Social Engineering which is the Human Exploit.  You overcome that by...

Using Critical Thought - Question everything and corroborate what they purport.  If something does  not seem right, move on.

  • Who is that web site ?
  • Do they represent that actual software ?
  • Is the Domain a part of the company that owns the software ?
  • Do all the links and information back their claims ?

Have Situational Awareness - Keep up with the actions, ploys, cons and activities that are malicious.  When you know what is "happening", you will see the Red Flags and not be susceptible with the actions, ploys, cons and activities that are malicious

Education - Take the time to learn the Pros, Cons and Pitfalls of the Internet.





Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for clarity, spelling and grammar
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