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MB Anti exploit questions


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I've used MB AE for years, the version on my Win 10 PC is and all setting are default. MB AE has never flagged anything, that is either very good or maybe not. I just read and article about testing whether MB AE is working by downloading a test " mbae-test.exe " this test has no version # and the only date connected with it was 2013. I downloaded it, unzipped it and tried running the exe. I got a you do not have "MSVCR100.dll" and that I should download it again. download what the zip test, MBAE? I know that this is the free version but I am a long time paid customer of MB Pro. I just would like to know if MB  AE is working as I use multiple browsers Opera, Vivaldi, a chromium and two FireFox types that are all up to date. I also use Windows Defender as my anti virus/fire wall. In searching this forum I notice folks asking the same questions I am or at least close. So here it is again, how do I know the MB AE is working, has worked, an/or will continue to protect this PC. I will appreciate any help or direction any folks here might offer.

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We'll need to wait for @pbust, @Rsullinger or someone else more expert to help with the MBAE test issue...:(

Until then, if I understand your post correctly, you are running MBAE Free?

If so, please be aware that MBAE Free does not currently shield ALL browsers.
Some of the browsers you mention (such as Vivaldi, and perhaps the "Chromium" and "Firefox types") may not be shielded by MBAE Free.

We will need to wait for the staff to weigh in re: the current list of browsers shielded by MBAE Free.
However, this KB article explains more: Which applications will Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Shield?
(The date on that article is January 2015, so there may be more current information available.)

I think that you will need to have the paid, MBAE Premium if you want to shield some of the other browsers, pdf readers, Office-type applications and essentially any other internet-facing applications (via custom shields).

I hope this helps a bit for now.

Thanks for your patience,

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  • Staff

Hello Rubinontheroad,

I want to have you collect some logs from the computer just to make sure there is no issues:


A long with that, I want to have you check to see if that file exists. It should be in this location: C:\Windows\System32


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  • 4 weeks later...

Try putting MSVCR100.dll in same folder as mbae-test.exe.

I too was getting "mbae-test.exe - System Error", "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your
    computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

I searched C:\ and only copy of MSVCR100.dll was in MBAM folder, and I copied it to C:\Windows\System32, reran mbae-test.exe, error repeated.

I cut it out of system32 and pasted it to MBAE folder instead, reran mbae-test.exe, error repeated. Decided to put mbae-test.exe into MBAE folder also, because as hsweet said, putting MSVCR100.dll in same folder as mbae-test.exe allows it to run without error. It, mbae-test.exe, had been in download folder.

Other thread: Malwarebytes Anti Exploit Test won't run, started by hsweet.

My system Win10 Pro, 1607, build 14393.187 with MBAM & MBAE, both premium, and currently at start of system rebuild with few other programs loaded.

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