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False positive


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Hello Casper702 and :welcome:

1.) Please consider clicking the "Follow" button, near the upper-right corner of your topic, to receive timely notifications of updates to this topic.

2.) Please follow only the first four steps of the How to report a False Positive so as to attach an archive file of the system's executable in question for developer team analysis.

3.) You may wish to make the following temporary full pathname file entry in MBARW GUI Dashboard -> Exclusions:

                  C:\ProgramData\{EF31653F-42B5-4E3D-A547-F5331036D992}\Best Authority Setup.exe

4.) As many improvements and fixes have been included with the release of MBARW Beta7 v0.9.16.484, it is strongly recommended this upgrade be made to the system in question.  Though not at all necessary at this time, following the "MBARW Clean Install" procedure may reduce the size of a few sub-directories as an added benefit.

Reference: Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware BETA 7 Now Available

Thank you for your valuable contribution to the MBARW Beta testing program.


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