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I have several programs (music software) that use dongles and challenge/response protection schemes. These programs are being recognized as ransomware by the program (which, obviously, they are not). This happened with Cubase Pro (a well know pro Digial Audio Workstation), Wavelab (another well known audio mastering program), both from Steinberg, and yesterday, it happened again with Max, a well known application from Cycling'74. Even after adding this last one to the exclusion list (which is becoming way bigger that it should), the Anti-ransomware insists in moving it to quarantine, preventing me to use the progra. I had no other solution than click the "stop protection" button. Basides, to restore a program moved to quarantine, I have to restart the computer. It seems that, in its current state, the anti-ransomware algorithm is a but paranoid, which is not good. It needs some tweaking, IMO.

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Hello FMR and :welcome:

At this very early point in the home/consumer version development of MBARW Beta, this why all beta testers are requested to make timely and appropriate False Positive reports so the proper analysis may be made by the development team that may lead to possible heuristics improvement and/or whitelisting additions.  The following is what is requested if a False Positive is suspected:

Please carefully read the locked and pinned topic in this sub-forum, How to report a False Positive and for developer analysis, kindly attach the 3 requested .zip archives to your next reply in this thread.

If an exclusion has not already been entered, a temporary exclusion entry might then be made available to prevent a re-occurrence for your individual system.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your feedback.

Edited by 1PW
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