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Scanning Time

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Malwerebytes scans taking progressively longer and longer

After a clean install it too around 1.5 hours for a complete scan. Now it take around 3.5 hours when my other anti virus/malware programs take around just 2 hours. I understand that adding more programs and/or files would make the scans longer but even near-identical scans where my files and programs have not been added/deleted/altered the scans still take long and longer

I have read other threads about this and don't really see any solutions

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Hello and Welcome!

First you can not compare the scan times of Malwarebytes with any Antivirus program scan time, as Malwarebytes is not an antivirus program so they work differently and scan differently.

Second, there is really no need to do full scans with Malwarebytes, its really not recommend and it puts a lot of wear and tear on your hard drive.  A Threat scan should be sufficient.  Custom scans (full scans) can be run if you like but not on a regular basis.  The Threat scan scans all the main places where malware likes to hide and run from.

Lastly you are correct in that adding more programs and files will increase the scan times.  There is really no solution in your case, as really there is not an issue.

Hope that answers your questions/concerns.


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Thank you for your detailed response. I am very paranoid about security hence why i run full scans. I will endeavor to only full scans only on my SSD which is not going to wear and tear like a mechanical hard drive and is obviously the disk with my actually windows/programs on.


However the scans still that like 45 minutes after a clean install with all my programs installed but now can take 2-2.5 hours

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4 hours ago, MalwareBeGone said:

I will endeavor to only full scans only on my SSD which is not going to wear and tear like a mechanical hard drive

Actually running full scans on an SSD drive is not recommended either.... this is for the same reason why we don't run defrag on SSD drives, it will eventually make the drives fail.

As stated a Threat Scan is all that is needed.  Also if you are using the Premium version (Full Protection) along with a fully updated antivirus program, you should be all set.

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