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My License stopped working

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I purchased a lifetime Malwarebytes license a couple of years ago.  I bought from an Ebay vendor, and it worked for years.  I then upgraded to Win 10.  I did a full install, formatted the drive and put a clean OS on (not an upgrade over the top of Win 7).

I did not deactivate my Malwarebytes license before doing this.  Now when I try to activate the trial, I am getting invalid license.

Is there anyway to deactivate the old license and then reuse that same license on the new OS? - Remember it is the same pc just new OS.

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Hello and welcome back, @ronster12345:

First, please check this tutorial to be sure you are entering the full and correct license info -- if the license is more than ~2 years old, you likely need both a KEY and an ID, as explained HERE.

Other than that, unfortunately, we cannot directly resolve licensing issues here in the forum.  We do not have access to the necessary information.

I suggest that you please open a ticket at the Help Desk >>HERE<<.
The support team members will assist you.

Until then, you may wish to continue to use the 14-day Trial.  It provides full paid features for 14 days.  If it is not activated with a valid license within 14 days, the program will revert to the Free version.  But it will give you time to sort the licensing problem.

Thank you,

(P.S. Please be aware that eBay never was an authorized source for MBAM licenses, as explained HERE.)

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