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Anti-Ransomware Bata


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Hi trying your new Malwarebytes- anti ransomeware Bata on Windows 7 Pro Desktop

when the computer starts the program also starts as an open program on the taskbar instead of in the notiiforcation area.

as if i had asked it to open after booting, instead of running in background as i thought it would.

Thanks Wayne


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Hello bago and :welcome:

1. As many improvements and fixes have been included with the release of MBARW Beta7 v0.9.16.484, it is strongly recommended this upgrade be made to the system in question.

Reference: Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware BETA 7 Now Available

2. Your observation regarding the presence of the MBARW Beta icon in the Windows taskbar is quite normal for the current revision level of development and affords the user the opportunity to confirm the state of MBARW Beta protection.  After confirmation of protection, by temporarily opening the Dashboard/GUI, the GUI/taskbar icon may be dismissed.

Thank you for beta testing MBARW and your valuable feedback.

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