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Just got the 855 998 4405 scam ( fake) web page. Home removal?

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855.998.4405 is a phone number.  It is not ransomware.

855.998.4405 is associated with Tech Support frauds.

Please reference:  US FBI PSA

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM) won't detect it because it is just a fraudulent web page.  It is not something that is on your PC to be detected by MBAM.  It emanates from the Internet and is classed as a Malvertisement.

Here are some sample videos of similar frauds.











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{ I hope David will not mind my intrusion into this thread.}.
That is an excellent page at D O J / F B I that David cited.

He and I would call these cases as ones where you need to keep your “situational awareness”.

What you had experienced is NOT an infection. Not a virus; nor a malware.  It is a scam / fake tech support scheme.
The fact it *alleged* an "infection" does NOT mean it is actually true that your machine is infected. It making an assertion is not the same as a real proof of infection.
Real proof of infection is only done by an antivirus scan locally on your machine and or a scan with reports from our Malwarebytes software program.   NOT in the borders of a web browser.
The fact that it had shown up within the borders of the web browser should be a big tip of it being fake.
The fact of it displaying ( a so-called) support telephone number is another big tip of it being a scam.
Real legitimate security programs ( such as a antivirus)  do not display in a web browser & they do not ask you to telephone for help.   

Contrary to what one may have thought, it does not "lock" the machine.   You can still press the Windows-key on keyboard to get the Windows menu.
You can use a variety of Windows Keyboard shortcuts to get around to other choices for remedy.

When this fake is in the foreground and in a web browser, there are many ways to get it off the screen.
I would suggest to do a few keyboard presses to get rid of the windows on-screen.
Press and hold *ALT*-key on keyboard and then tap the *F4* function key to get the foreground windows closed and done away with.  ( repeat use of ALT + F4 sequence).

Another way is to press and hold CTRL key on keyboard and then tap *W* key.   CTRL + W
That should close the Tab page of the web browser.
You can repeat as needed.

Another way: is to open a new Tab by using CTRL +T ( that opens a new tab).  Then you can use your mouse go to the rogue tab & then click the X control on the upper right top of the rogue tab-window).
Have patience when you try this.

And, there is always the ability to end the web-browser program thru using Windows' *Task Manager* applet.
Click the Start button and type:
and then press Enter.
In the processes tab, find the process for whichever browser you are running:
_iexplore.exe, firefox.exe, chrome.exe, MicrosoftEdge.exe, MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe_  and then click _End Process_ or _Terminate_.

The "call-this-telephone"  message is a fake one.  It is a scam trying to lure you into handing over money.   ( there are many variations of this type of message.)
That is a *scareware*.  Certainly if it mentions Microsoft or "some technical support expert"  or to "call" some telephone number !
Close the window and Reset the web browser.

Which one of the web browsers is this on ?   Reset the browser and make real sure it does not re-open same page as last session.
Please try to reset your browser settings and see if that helps -

These are the ways - the HOW TO pages - for the 3 most popular web browsers.  Just click each link to see the specific advice for it.
You would want to put back your own choice for Start page / Home page /  and also for Search engine preference.
Just click the link to the browser you have installed.   

If you have more than one, then do one at a time.

Please try to reset your browser settings and see if that helps -

"Internet Explorer in Windows"

"Google Chrome browser"

First, do a refresh for Firefox.  
Then set your own choices for search engine, and start & home page, etc.

For EDGE browser in Windows 10 :
Edge browser is set by default to "restart on the same page as it was on the last time".  So, now you need to set it to your own choice.
Either a blank page or a specific website of your own choice.   You could make it *bing.com*  as one safe example.

Please do try to Reset the Edge browser to defaults, with these tips.

In Microsoft edge
Click the three dots *...* (top right hand corner under the X sign)
Click *settings*
Change - Open new tabs with
*Top sites*
Arrow V down and Select - *A blank page*   ( *or make some other selection that is right for you* ).

This type of message is a scam.
Avoid tech support scams:
This video features info from Microsoft and appears to be also sponsored by AARP.  Well done and easy to understand.
This is "the link"

"see our Tech Support Scams – Help & Resource Page"

Plus these as well.
"Hacking your head: How cyber criminals use social engineering"




Our software does not pre-filter or pre-scan   the contents of a particular webpage that is visited.

We have a free version Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (MBAE) that protects against exploit attacks in your browsers and Java, and a paid version that also protects additional applications such as MS Office.

I would recommend you install the Anti-Exploit in free use mode.

P.S.  After clearing out the web browser, you can do a Threat Scan with our program, plus one with the resident antivirus too.
You should find that there is no real "infection".    That all is a scam window in a web browser.  Do not believe all that you see from an unknown source that is "shown" in a web browser !!!
More tips:
Go into the Options ( settings) of Internet Explorer  ( and any other web browser you have).
Make sure that the POPUP blocker is ON.
Set the option on for rejecting (decline) 3rd-party cookies.

And in addition to all that:
Use a good browser extension ( add on) ad blocker.  If your pc has no ad blocker add-on for your browser(s), I would suggest uBlock Origin.
For Mozilla Firefox, use the Mozilla page at this link

For Google Chrome, see

For Internet Explorer browser:

For Opera browser, see

*ALSO this too*
To help totally block these types of  "popups" I would recommend to *only use Firefox browser* that also has the addon for
*NoScript Suite Lite.*
and just only use that when surfing the web.


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