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MBAM Corp upgrade to

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We have a site license for MBAM Corporate, and recently a couple of machines showed notifications of the new version. But most are not showing them. Shouldn't they all find the new version when it is available? Is there a way to force them to "see", download, and install it? FYI: I'm not using Management Console. Would doing do make this upgrade go faster?

A related question: I can manually update MBAM's definitions during interactive session only if logged on as admin. Normal? Scheduled auto-updates work fine.

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  • Root Admin

Hi @codevark

Yes, normal users don't have admin rights to run updates, your admin account, and the scheduled task do.

As for automated program installs, I think's it's best you read the documentation to have a better understanding of the different upgrade paths.

You can download or read the program guides from the following link.


If you have further questions or issues then it might be best to open a support ticket with Business Support so they can directly assist you..

Thank you



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