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False Positives

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8 hours ago, Maurice Naggar said:


Is that in fact something you experienced?   If so, what build of Windows 10 is your pc on ?

I have build 10586. It happened when I was deleting email and I could not restore it.I deleted log files, but it did look like a false positive..I do not consider myself an expert.Scans with several different malware scanners found nothing.

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You'd said " I was deleting email ". Our programs do not scan email, or do anything extra ordinary with email.   So it is just not clear what was involved when you deleted a email.

Do you now have the beta of MBARW installed ?   what version is it ?   The current version is called Beta 7, it shows as version #

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Yes I installed beta 7.One thing that happened might tell you more.Inside the folder was the photo app for windows.I have not used this app.The app would not open via the log file(was it quarantined) I am not sure if this feature is built into the program.I will get you the log files when I have a little more time.I am very interested in this.

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Please see

Especially the bullet point showing    “Further enhancements to prevent false positives

Beta 7 should do much better than the previous version   ( where some had run into issues with false flagging of some mail clients).

So the new question I would pose to you is, Have you had issues after installing Beta 7 ?

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Tried to install  9 15 416 from revo,but as you probably guessed the log file starts over so there was no old info.Beta 7 works fine so far. The only issue was the protection was off on 1 restart(probably too many startup items) Thank you for responding.In the future I will keep the log files if there is a problem.

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