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Word Documents show as 0 KB, Paint won't save files, and Movie Maker (6.0) also says my files are corrupt.

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I'm sorry if I should ask for help elsewhere for specific Windows programs, but I find that this community does an effective job in helping with PC related things like this. 

So, essentially, some of my Windows programs are kind of screwed up. Paint won't save my pictures as anything but a .bmp, Word Document allows me to open files only on my computer, but when trying to send them to someone else, it appears that it's 0 KB. I can edit them just fine, and "save" them, but they still come up as 0 KB. On top of that, I can't open literally any type of pictures on my computer without it telling me that, "I don't have permission to access it." I think I might have a virus that specifically corrupts my programs, but I'm unsure. Still, it's really irking me, as I could work around not having Paint or the older Movie Maker running, but now it's affecting essential programs like Word Doc. Although it's only a small portion, I managed to lose a page of what I was going to turn in today. I don't know if they affect other programs yet like Exel or other programs embedded into the computer, but I'm scared to find out. 

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I think there is some confusion over terminology and capability so we will start with MS Paint.

Microsoft Paint ( aka; MS Paint ) is a super simplistic utility that comes stock with the OS.  Utilities that come stock within a given Microsoft Operating System ( OS )  are never full capable programs or Microsoft would separate them from the OS and charge for it.

A couple of really good graphic Utilities are XNView and IrfanView.  Both are well respected utilities that have a wealth of capabilities from graphic file conversion, a wide variety of supported file formats and even TWAIN compliance.  Forget MS Paint.  You can do much more with one or both of the above than Paint can ever do.

I am confused by your stating "... essential programs like Word Doc" as I am unfamiliar with a program by that name.  I am very familiar with the Microsoft Office component used for Word-processing called Microsoft Word.  Since you also mention the spreadsheet component of Microsoft Office, "Excel", I will presume you mean the application "Microsoft Word".  Originally the file format used the default file extension, DOC.  thus many will refer to the documents as Word Documents.  With Microsoft Word 2007 and above Microsoft has added new file extensions representing its use of the Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) so one may see "Word Docs" with the .DOCx file extension.

All documents are stored in the user's Profile in a "Documents" folder.  If you edit Microsoft Word documents ( .DOC or .DOCx ) then that is where you will find them.  If you instead grab a "recent document" then that may be the cause of a 0 bytes file.

To understand what you are dealing with we need to know...

  • What is the OS you use
  • What is the version of MS Office you use





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Ah, sorry about that; I did mean Microsoft Word. And that is true, I could use other art programs that are significantly better than MS Paint. I've just been using it often since my friend has been poking around with it. 

The version of MS Office is from the year of 2010. I use Windows 7, 32-bit system. Please let me know if I'm missing anything or you need more information. 

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Let's assume that you login as "Glove".  Then you should find...


Look for you DOC and DOCx files in that folder.  Do you see them ?

If you show the Directory such that is lists a column with the "Size" do you see your DOC and DOCx files with 0 Bytes or do they actually have a size ?

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  1. Open up one of those documents,
  2. then go to this web page
  3. go to Post ID #1
  4. highlight and copy the text of that post
  5. paste that in the Word document
  6. Save the document

After you save the document and you view the directory, does it still show 0 Bytes ?


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