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Minimize Issue


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Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware:

On start up, icon minimizes to the taskbar and the System tray as well.

After expanding and closing, it then appears in the System Tray only!

In settings (of which there are none currently), it might be an idea to give a choice as where one might want it to minimize to.


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Hello ed2die4 and :welcome:

The behavior you see was instituted a few builds ago and affords the beta tester an easy opportunity to check the state of MBARW Beta's protection just after a system start.  This behavior is unlikely to ever be seen when the core technology is rolled into other Malwarebytes products and the beta testing program has successfully completed.

Thank you for your interest in the MBARW Beta testing program.

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Thanks for that 1PW. I've been wondering about that myself. I just tested and the SysTray Icon for MBARW isn't an indicator of whether or not the Protection is on or off. So it may be that while in Beta it may be a good idea to KEEP the gui for MBARW minimized to the Task bar instead of closing it out. I had expected that the SysTray Icon would dim or something if I turned the Protection off, but the is not the case.


                   [Windows 10 Pro x64]  WFWwAS+WFC4 | MBAMP | MBAEP | MBARW beta | WINDOWS DEFENDER

                                                                                         Peace. Alan

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