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Can I buy lifetime from this store?

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This seller sells a lot of life time licences on ebay. It looks like a good deal, so I need advice if this seller is selling legit licences and if it's safe to purchase from this seller?

Here is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware-Premium-Latest-Lifetime-Version-Download-Key-1-PC-/172148747298?hash=item2814dd6c22:g:cVEAAOSwZtJW-BjZ


Thank you in advance.

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Greetings and welcome :)


Our lifetime licenses have been unavailable for a long time now so in all likelihood anyone selling tons of them on unofficial sites such as ebay are selling pirated license keys created by keygens which most likely will either not work or will be blacklisted soon after they're installed/activated.


It is possible that the seller purchased a ton of lifetime licenses just before we made them unavailable, but it is doubtful so I would suggest caution.

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Thank you for your quick response. 

I was a bit suspicious because Malwarebytes official website doesn't sell life time licences, so I was thinking to myself how is this seller obtaining hundreds of life time licences when Malwarebytes don't supply them.

I appreciate the explanation you provided to me, I will avoid buying it from this seller and buy it from Malwarebytes directly.

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You're most welcome, I'm glad to be of service.  Yes, purchasing from us is certainly the safe way to go.  We do have many legitimate resellers out there, however there are also unscrupulous individuals out there too who attempt to make money from unsuspecting people trying to find a good deal on software so the thing to keep in mind is that if an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is.


If there's anything else that we can help you with please don't hesitate to let us know :)

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