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Hi, basically I have ran a threat scan and found no problems, but when I look at the logs it always says deep rootkit disabled, even though I have checked the box in 'detection and protection' section.


Have I done something wrong or is this the same for everyone? Thanks

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I have all detection and protection at strictest level. Advanced heuristics, scan for rootkits and scan within archives checked as well as PUP/PUM treated as malware. Followed by 'malware protection' & 'malware website protection' enabled too. Thanks

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There is a known logging issue that will be fixed in a future program update.

Having said that, there are 2 places to enable anti-rootkit scanning:

  1. A "global" setting: Settings > Detection and Protection > Detection Options; AND
  2. The Advanced settings for automated, scheduled scan (Trial and Premium only)

If you need additional help, it would be better to attach a scan log as a *.TXT file -- let us know if you need help doing that.
And a set of Diagnostic Logs would also be helpful.:)

More info about v2.2.1 HERE
Version 2.2.1 Release History HERE
User Guide ONLINE
User Guide PDF
FAQ: Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions



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Ah okay, if it is a known logging issue that maybe it as it shows the scanning of rootkits during the scan process and I have it ticked so may just be the logging issue. Thanks @daledoc1, useful as always :) If I have any issues I'll let you know and will show a log file

Edited by NUFC20
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You are most welcome.:)

>>Friendly reminder: MBAM Free is only a manual, on-demand scanner.  It can only detect and remove malware that has already made it past your AV onto the system.
>>If you would like real-time, layered protection to help PREVENT malware that may be missed by your AV, then you might want to upgrade to MBAM Premium (and you might want to add MBAE Free or Premium for additional protection).

>>And, as mentioned in your other threads, routine/frequent full, Custom scans of the entire C: drive or all mounted volumes/drives is neither necessary nor recommended. A daily threat scan is more than sufficient under most circumstances.;)

Thank you again,

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