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Popular Linux distro hit


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When you download an operating system, you certainly don't expect to be installing an altered version with a backdoor in place, but sadly this is what happened to some folks who downloaded a popular version of Linux over the weekend.


To be precise, we are talking about Linux Mint - specifically the 17.3 Cinnamon edition. As the makers of Mint announced in a blog post, what actually happened was a malicious party made a modified version of said OS (containing a backdoor) and hacked the official website to point to this compromised download.


The maliciously modified version was available for a time on Saturday (February 20) before the issue was discovered, so if you downloaded and installed Mint from the official site on that day, then you've got a problem (and if this was a machine with business data on, a potentially even bigger problem).


Full report in http://www.in.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/Popular-Linux-distro-hit-by-hacked-version-on-official-site-over-the-weekend/articleshow/51093742.cms


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Just a reminder that Unix and Linux aren't supported by Malwarebytes and thus there is not much of an audience at the Malwarebytes Forum for ';nixz discussions.


Think of it as being a place for Harley and Indian Motorcycles and someone comes to talk about Suzuki.

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