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Memory issue


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I encountered the exact same issue with, except MBARW made it to nearly 10.5GB of RAM on my system before I had to manually kill the MBAMService.exe in order to get my computer to respond normally again. Attempting to stop the service failed. After a computer reboot, MBARW RAM usage grew to to about 4.5GB but kept "Not Responding" Firefox and Windows Explorer while trying to gather info and logs, so I had to manually kill the process again in order to be able to actually troubleshoot and respond here.


This was a first time, completely fresh install of MBARW v0.9.12.336, with no previous version of MBARW ever installed on the computer. Performance/RAM issue noticed shortly after, with no indication of anything going on, files being scanned, no files quarantined in MBARW GUI.


Windows 7 SP1, all Windows Updates Current.

24GB of RAM, and the 10.5GB used by MBARW maxed out total system RAM usage with other software running.

i7-970 3.2GHz 6 core CPU


Let me know if you want me to start a new thread, but I assume since it's the exact same issue with the same version, it would be sufficient to post to this one.


Attached Files:

ProgramData_Malwarebytes_Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip


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Thank you for the reply and update on Beta5.


Since this was split off from the original topic, I experienced the same issues as the OP there, here is the original topic I replied to if anyone comes across this in a search - https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/178568-possible-memory-leak-ver-0912336


I just uninstalled Beta 4 v0.9.12.336, manually removed the folder C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware, to clear all remnants. I'll reboot, install Beta 5 posted above, and report back.

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Beta5 did seem to take care of the memory leak. I haven't had an issue with memory since installing, the MBAMService.exe getting up to only 102,876 after running for nearly 24 hours.


I did have a significant system performance issues after installing Beta5, though, which resulted in the system frequently freezing and releasing, mouse movement stopping, programs Not Responding, externally facing servers notifying as inaccessible, and crashing Waterfox 64-bit Portable. In an attempt to recover, I "slept" my online backup software, CrashPlan, which didn't have any effect at this point. Even a reboot would not complete without forcing me to do a hard shut down.


During the downward spiral, I was never prompted and there was (and is still) no indication of anything Quarantined by MBARW.


I was prompted by Webroot SecureAnywhere v9.0.8.67, indicating "Scan Required", which doesn't happen unless something happens or triggers detection. The last time it happened was when it falsely detected Samsung Magician Service as an unknown and potentially malicious service, prompting for a scan.


After the reboot, I added MBARW to Webroot SecureAnywhere's Exempt list, and due to the encryption functions of CrashPlan backup, I added CrashPlan Desktop and Service .exe files to the MBARW program exemptions.


Since that time, I have not yet encountered the same system performance issues, so the performance issue may have been attributed to one or the other of these programs not playing well with each other.


If anyone wants to review the logs for MBARW during the system performance issues/lockup (2016-02-13 Noticed @4:49AM), I have re-attached the log files and program files here:


2016-02-14_ProgramData_Malwarebytes_Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware.zip


Is there going to be any built-in detection with a prompt to exempt on install of MBARW and install of any affected software, or built in known good programs whitelist that MBARW will incorporate into the product for such legitimate software like CrashPlan backup that perform legitimate encryption operations?



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