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License not working


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Hello OmniDread and :welcome:

Please create the following zipped files for developer analysis:

Create a ZIP file of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\
Create another ZIP file of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\

Please attach the above zipped files to your next reply.

Thank you.

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This typically happens when the user isn't connected to the internet on the start up of the application, or the application is being blocked from accessing our servers. Please ensure you are on a connection that isnt restricted (ex. not at work under a firewall), and also disable any other security applications (firewalls, AV's, Internet Security, etc.) while running the BETA. As soon as the application registers successfully you can turn all these applications back on right away.





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Hi I am having the same problem with the license. in the mbamservice log I do have the following errors:


02/12/16 " 12:48:36.144" 1990354995 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoUpdate "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 278 INFO "DoUpdate - Starting check for updates"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 HttpConnection 3d30 3fb8 mb::common::net::HttpConnection::SendRequest "HttpConnection.cpp" 262 ERROR "HTTP POST - SSL error"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 HttpConnection 3d30 3fb8 mb::common::net::HttpConnection::LogExceptionDetails "HttpConnection.cpp" 858 ERROR "Exception details: msg=error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed, name=SSL Exception, what=SSL Exception, cls=class Poco::Net::SSLException"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::CheckForUpdates "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 621 ERROR "Sirius Response HTTP status code: -8"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoUpdate "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 288 INFO "Checked for updates - no updates available"


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You wrote:

Hi I am having the same problem with the license. in the mbamservice log I do have the following errors:


02/12/16 " 12:48:36.144" 1990354995 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoUpdate "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 278 INFO "DoUpdate - Starting check for updates"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 HttpConnection 3d30 3fb8 mb::common::net::HttpConnection::SendRequest "HttpConnection.cpp" 262 ERROR "HTTP POST - SSL error"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 HttpConnection 3d30 3fb8 mb::common::net::HttpConnection::LogExceptionDetails "HttpConnection.cpp" 858 ERROR "Exception details: msg=error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed, name=SSL Exception, what=SSL Exception, cls=class Poco::Net::SSLException"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::CheckForUpdates "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 621 ERROR "Sirius Response HTTP status code: -8"
02/12/16 " 12:48:36.662" 1990355526 UpdateControllerImpl 3d30 3fb8 mb::updatecontrollerimpl::CUpdateControllerImpl::DoUpdate "UpdateControllerImplHelper.cpp" 288 INFO "Checked for updates - no updates available"



Did you see the suggestions in Post #3, just above yours?

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