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Strange Job Listing/Website


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Hello!  I'm not sure if this is an actual problem or not, but I wanted to check, just to make sure.


I found a job listing on craigslist, a couple days ago, offering to pay for online writers.  I was a little skeptical, but I created a member's account on their website, using my email address and a random password.  After reading through the terms and FAQ's, I thought it sounded sketchy, but I followed a link, to see what they would assign me with, first.  The link I clicked on did not match the web address I ended up in, and I was directed to leave a comment.


I left the comment on the article, and sent in the proof that I had commented, but after discussing it with a friend, I decided to delete the pending proof details soon after submitting them, and emailed the website, telling them I was no longer interested in the job, and to delete the account I had made on their website.


I provided them with no other information but my email address.  However, I was a little concerned by the mismatched link they had me follow, for my test assignment.


Is this something to be concerned about?  I'm not sure, myself.  I took some photos of suspicious details and links with my phone, just in case, so I could detail the exact addresses, even.

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