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Profiles (in a AD domain)


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I'm a computer reseller in Marseille (south of France)


I tried your beta3 on my computer: Itinerant profile don't load while I open a session...only a temporary one.


When I uninstall MBARW, profile loads again.


Am I the only one that this happens to?


Thanks for your helping board


Best regards,


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I did have a similar situation when I was using Beta 2 right before they released Beta 3.  I had to remove MBARW as well and after a few reboots my profile restored itself.  I have not installed Beta 3 yet so cannot comment on that version specifically.


Thank for your answer...problem remains the same with beta3...wait and see...



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Hello nicobif and :welcome:

Please create the following files for developer analysis while MBARW beta3 is still installed:

Create a ZIP file of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware\.

Create another ZIP file of the directory C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\.

Please attach the above zipped files to your next reply.

Thank you.

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Beta 4 has been released for download only. Please download and update MBARW and see if your problem persists after the updates. Thanks!




We tried beta4 with same issue...


In windows 10, profile load, not in windows 7 (with beta3 too)


Monday, I'll send zip archives with logs


Have a nice weekend


Best regards,


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