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Ransomware Examples


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Hello RawFlip and :welcome:


Currently no testing media exists for MBARW.


No keys are currently required for the beta 2 version of MBARW.


Thank you.

Sorry I don't think I worded my question correctly.


I am looking for CryptoLocker,Cryptowall etc executables that I can try out on my virtual machine much like the video on the original blog post.


I was looking for the encryption keys if available too in case I mess up and need to unlock my files. (I don't really need these as I can just create a new machine but would be useful).


I hope this clears it up?

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Hello RawFlip:
Actual or live samples of any malware is never disseminated unless you are a current member of this forum's Malware Hunters group or higher.
There is always the later possibility that a special, benign, testing file will be made available for use with MBARW.
I apologize RawFlip if I was misunderstood above.
Thank you.
Reference: Malware Hunters Group

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Sorry we cannot distribute ransomware on the forums for safety reasons. Also it is worth noting that if you were to mess up, we couldn't give you a key to return your files because these type of infections keep the keys on their servers, which means your files would be lost. Please be careful when trying to test with live Ransomware, it can be quite unpredictable.

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