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since a while a file included in the XEMACS (21.4.22) windows installation is reported as Trojan.Agent.UKED.


VirusTotal gives only malwarebytes as hit:

SHA256: c7f2626e7fc7f51e5cc44e67bb739f52a1f764cb4f7fb4cef63891da46512fd7 Dateiname: winclient.exe Erkennungsrate: 1 / 54 Analyse-Datum: 2015-11-17 09:51:13 UTC ( vor 2 Monate ) Antivirus Ergebnis Aktualisierung Malwarebytes Trojan.Agent.UKED 20151117 all others: none...


Logfile and winclient.exe attached.


greets :)


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