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Amiti or moonsecure antivirus


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I have this problem... I need to install light and simple antivirus to old windows vista computer with 1gb memory. Mse, bit defender free, panda cloud or avast wont do it this time...

So i have two choices Amiti and moonsecure both are based in clamav but anyone can say which one should i choose...

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With added memory, you can have more possibilities.. I have a 1GB/32 bit system, with Win-10 and Adaware (free).. But off-late, it is used with Live-CD, with good connectivity & speed, rarely by me for some browsing and mostly by the children to play online games..It all depends on your needs & purpose..

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Basically i was given this computer to fix it and update it... but the task is quite impossible and i have no money resources for this task. This computer used to have windows xp installed and it says on the computer that it's designed for windows xp and is vista capable... I also got a vista disc without any service packs in it to update it and i must say that it's impossible to get the service packs installed so i have given up on that and just turned off the auto update. The language was also wrong so i had to change it with vistalizator... The computer is Fujitsu siemens Amilo A3667G.

When it came to my care it had a problem, windows xp, outdated flash player, and outdated system date which was disabling the access to internet... (That was fixed by changing the cmos battery)

Service pack install is always a failure and i think i have tried all advice from the internet forums.

I also tried installing my original copy of windows 7 home premium and that did not work the installation failed time after time with all kinds of different errors then i tried installing windows vista ultimate with sp2 and that failed also with the message setup could not configure windows to run on this hardware... then i got sick of it all and installed the basic vista that i got with this computer.

I wish i could test to if the memory is working right in this computer... but don't know a good and fast program to do it.

So maybe i could just install malwarebytes antiexploit (genuine copy), let the firefox run the outdated flash and then install amiti, moonsecure or maybe roboscan... Any thoughts about this?!?!? Thanks.

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Basically i was given this computer to fix it and update it... but the task is quite impossible and i have no money resources for this task.

If you have to ask these kinds of questions and don't have the resources to perform what is needed then you are ill equipped to provide the service.  The right thing to do is you must return the system to its owner.


There are no alternatives.

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