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Good Morning,

     I'm using the Malwarebytes Malware Remediation Tool 2.5 (mbmr.exe) in a script to scan remote hosts.  The utility is copied to a remote system then a full scan ran (mbmr.exe -full -ark -remove -noreboot -stdout:off) conducted.  Some systems are prompting end users with the "Open File - Security Warning".


     What is the cause of this and can it be suppressed?

Thank you,




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Thank you for the reply.


The script is being executed as Admin via my domain account being a member of the Desktop Admins group, which is a member of the that system's local Administrators group.


The script is written to take a list of systems (used with as few at 10 and as many at 200), copy MBMR to the remote host then execute "mbmr.exe" via WMIC.  There is a Master & Slave script; this allowed me to view script progress (& determine if it was locked on one system.)  It is still being tweaked & polished but shared for anyone to use.

Thank you,



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Good Afternoon,

      I receive an error message when I attempt to register this product with our company's key.  What needs to be done to correct this?

Thank you


Registering product key...

Entitlement is not active, please contact Malwarebytes support

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  • 2 months later...

Hey rcsec, 


Are you still receiving the error ? I can assist you if you are.


Good Afternoon,

      I receive an error message when I attempt to register this product with our company's key.  What needs to be done to correct this?

Thank you


Registering product key...

Entitlement is not active, please contact Malwarebytes support

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