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How do I FULLY uninstall Anti-Exploit


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Windows 10 64 bit fully up-to-date

Installed MBAE trial, installed the latest Beta over it.

Uninstalled MBAE using Windows uninstall, removed from appdata.

Supposedly the program is gone BUT I had to go into Windows 10 settings to change notifications for one of my apps and I see MBAE. Obviously MBAE is NOT fully unistalled  as there are entries.


Is there a cleanup tool similar to mbam-clean?

Failing that is there a list of registry entries to be removed? 

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I removed that key but MBAE still shows up under Settings / Notifications & Actions / Show notifications from these apps. It cannot be removed manually.


Microsoft suggested I contact Malwarebytes. Not happy having a program leaving this type of remnant behind.


If I'm not mistaking, that is simply the MBAE Icon.

Totally harmless!

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Not quite just an icon as this section includes settings for all the apps listed including MBAE.

It may be harmless but it shouldn't be there, it should have been removed during the uninstall.

Call me paranoid but I think that all software developers, especially those providing anti-malware products, should know how to completely remove their own software from a system.

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Notifications is unique to Win 10 and I have many uninstalled apps still showing/listed in Notification setting.. So, just relax..

Yes agreed, again if I'm not mistaking that entry is a W10 entry(entered by OS) not the installation of MBAE.(MBAE Installer)

Please correct me if I'm wrong. :)

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