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Ivalid key?

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I bought malwarebytes 1 year subscription, 1 License per 3 PC's for my laptop awhile back activated the key and such, no problems. Didn't have another PC at the time but knew I was going to get one soon-ish.  well now i finally have a 2nd computer and it's telling me my key is invalid on both my new PC and my laptop. I still have the email containing my ID and key, tried copy paste from there cause i thought well maybe i just missed something. Still won't work. Can someone tell me what dark magic is going on here? 

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Gotta ask the basic questions...


Did you leave out the parts that say "ID: " and/or "Key: " ?  They should not be included.

Did you have any leading or trailing blank spaces on either field?  They should not be included either.

If you see something that looks like an I (the letter I), it is actually a one.  We skip that letter.

If you see something that looks like an O, it is actually a zero.  We skip that letter too.

Make sure that 2 and Z was not substituted.

The same for 5 and S.

If none of those work, ping us again and we'll look deeper.

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