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Threat scan schedule different on Dashboard and in Automated Scheduling

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Took the plunge and installed version over the previous version.


All look fine except this:


In Dashboard next scan shows at 8 PM which is the wrong time (1 hr later).

In Automated Scheduling the threat scan is showing the correct time (at 7 PM)


Can the time in the dashboard be changed?  Here the pics to show the above.  Thanks






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Hi, abuela:


Welcome back.


Staff will correct me if I am wrong, but....


If you upgraded on top of, AND if you live somewhere with Daylight Saving Time, then I think that might be a "hiccup" from 2.0.4 that was retained with the upgrade.


There is a known issue with the scheduler auto-correcting for DST: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165965-is-the-daylight-saving-time-bug-fixed-in-21-rc/

It is on the list to be fixed with a future version.


There is also a known bug about the scheduler dates: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165629-my-detailed-thoughts-about-this-latest-beta/#entry946598


A couple of things to check:

  • First, please be sure your computer's system time and date are correct;
  • Then, you might go into the scheduler and EITHER edit the existing scheduled scan task to change the start date to today,
  • OR delete that scan task completely and start over with a new task for the scheduled scan, giving it a starting date of today and your preferred settings
  • You might want to reboot the computer after either of these, just to be sure.

If you have a daily scan scheduled and you want to test your fix without waiting 24 hours, just edit the task for a time a few hours from now.

Then, go into the dashboard > history > application logs after that time and check the scan log to be sure it ran on schedule.

If it did, then you can then edit the scan start time back to whatever your preferred daily scan time is.


Please let us know if this resolves your issue.




P.S. Here are some resources about the new build:

More info HERE
User Guide ONLINE
User Guide PDF


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Thanks daledoc.


I changed automated schedule for a threat scan to coming wednesday at 7 pm and the time on the dashboard changed to the same date.  I restarted the PC and the settings didn't change so it seems to be going ok for now.


There is one additional problem which I never discussed before.  With the previous version I just saw a half OK when editing and by going to advanced but that still did go okay.


Now in the new version when editing in automatic scheduling and clicking on the advanced button, I don't see the OK button button at all anymore.  Could be that my display of this PC is at 125% instead of 100% but need to enlarge due to my old eyes, so I can't change anything in the advanced option. 

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Scheduler:  Sounds good.  Like I say, you can schedule for a day/time sooner (even later today), just to see if it's working OK.  But if you want to monitor the situation for a day or so, that's good.  Keep us posted -- we can collect some logs and/or have you do a clean reinstall, if the need arises.


Scaling: Yes, I think there are some known scaling issues on some systems.  I think they are on the list for a fix with a future version.  It might help if you could please post a screen shot that shows what you're seeing.  (BTW for browsers, such as Firefox, there are good extensions, such as NoSquint, that really help.  I use NoSquint, even on my 24" monitor and with my "computer glasses", because it reduces eye strain.)



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Thanks so much daledoc1.  I use NoSquint as well in Fx.  Here's a pic of what I see when going into advanced.  I discovered that I can *pull up* that advanced screen.  :)   I also tried to go 100% display and I still couldn't see the bottom of the advanced but could also pull up that advanced screen.  At least that is solved for now until there will be changes made by the MBAM gurus.  Perhaps not everyone knows that the advanced screen can be moved upward.  


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Yes, I think that is indeed the issue that is already known to the developers.

I can't seem to find the specific posts about it, but I think they might be buried in this thread: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/165570-malwarebytes-anti-malware-21x-release-candidate-2/

It seems to affect mostly users without a high-definition display.


The fix did not make it into this version, but AFAIK it is on the list.


I expect that  the MBAM staff may be able to provide a bit more information about it.


Thank you again,

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Hi abuela--Glad you discovered that you could re-position the Edit Schedule dialog.  Sorry for the confusion around that!  This is indeed a known issue and while there are some additional improvements we could make such as centering the dialog again after the Advanced button is clicked, I'm hoping we can instead completely redesign these screens so they're more user-friendly (and not so HUGE!).  So, we've got this item on the list, just not sure of the exact time-frame when it'll be addressed.  

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Thank you daledoc1 and becky.  I will be looking forward to the changes to come.  Although I don't use that advanced screen that much it would be a pleasure to have it function properly in the (near?) future.


daledoc1, I read the entire link that you posted and found there (after my *discovery*) that one can pull up the advanced screen.


I like the new design a lot, looks classy now, reminds me a bit of the classy 1.75 UI

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Scheduler:  Sounds good.  Like I say, you can schedule for a day/time sooner (even later today), just to see if it's working OK.  But if you want to monitor the situation for a day or so, that's good.  Keep us posted -- we can collect some logs and/or have you do a clean reinstall, if the need arises.


Just now my weekly scan was done, rebooted after to make sure the settings would be okay.  They are and also checked the date on the dashboard, is now showing as next scheduled scan as 01/04/2015 7:00PM and automatic scheduling (repeats once every 1 week(s)) is there and ALL work perfectly!!  GREAT JOB MBAM!  Thanks!!
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