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I can't remove Malwarebytes...

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Okay. Here’s the problem in a nutshell (I hope): I installed the Malwarebytes 14 day free trial. While it was a good program, several years ago – in my opinion – that is no longer the case today. I decided that I don’t want it. That is, after all, what the trial is for? I don’t want to purchase a subscription and I don’t want the “free” version. Simple. When the 14 days were up, I uninstalled it. Also simple. I have several reasons why I made this decision, but that’s really not relevant here.

If I were using Windows XP, I would not be writing this. I, unfortunately, am using Vista (sp2) – which does not allow me to make my own choices, as to how I run my computer. Think Nazi; at least that’s what comes to mind when I run into little annoying issues that I am not allowed to tackle on my own. Anyway, just to be clear, in case it’s not obvious, I detest this bloated, useless excuse of an OS.

Well, as I said, I uninstalled Malwarebytes at the end of my trial. So, about a week later, I ran into a problem with an Oblivion DLC – nothing to do with Mbytes – that had no uninstall option. I was forced to use system restore to go back a day before the DLC was installed. Pretty straight forward, right? Okay, so once I got it all done, it appeared to solve my problem. Oh, I decided to see if Norton Internet Security would be a viable anti virus solution – since I haven’t used anything Norton since the ‘90s. It came with a BluRay drive that I recently bought, and its trial period is 60 days! (It’s been almost 14 days of the trial and I really don’t like it, either). So – obviously, the folks at Mbytes did their homework when it comes to how long a trial should be; 14 days is plenty. Okay, moving along; so I begin to see a “solid” red light, for the HDD activity and I'm unable to do anything – sometimes for 3 or more minutes at a time! This is not acceptable, for me anyway. I start Process Explorer to see what the heck is going on. It’s happening all the time. There are several culprits, but that’s not what I’m here for – what I do see, are several Malwarebytes’ modules up and running! I thought I uninstalled that? It hadn’t dawned on me, that it likely was the result of the restore I did a few days earlier. It never does. That’s why I need a reliable computer. So, anyway;

Yes, I uninstalled it. No, there is not an uninstall option anymore in the 'Programs and Features' control panel app. Better check the registry. I use Resplendence Registry Manager 7.x, whenever I need to look at, edit, etc; anything in my registry. Searching for MBam.exe, for example, gives me a ton of results! So too, when searching for “Malwarebytes”, as well as “Chameleon”. It’s, you know, like they never left! Again, I’m talking Vista here. Forget about removing any of these entries, manually. Taking ownership? Access Denied! Access Denied! Access Denied! It’s maddening, I tell you! I own my computer. I own the software on it too. (Well, according to the myriad EULA's I've agreed to, I don't actually OWN them- per se...) But I paid money for the privilege of using them!

At any rate, I really did know better than to make the upgrade to Vista. Only myself to blame, where that’s concerned.

I really don’t want to format again – and start over.  Although I’m becoming more and more inclined to go back to XP, which would require said format/fresh start. I bought my copy of XP in (I think) 2005. It came with a voucher for a free copy of Vista, once it was released. (Of course I sent it in, I mean, back then: “Who Knew?”) I held out for all these years - then caved.

Anyone have any ideas, as to removing Malwarebytes, once and for all? Sorry for the long post. I do thank you for reading this far.

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Hello noparts and :welcome:

Clean Removal:
After closing all other applications, log in through an administrator's account only and follow these instructions:

  • Please download the purpose built mbam-clean- application from here and save it only to the administrator's desktop.
  • Close all open applications and temporarily shutdown your Anti-Virus application to avoid any conflicts when running the tool.
  • Locate the mbam-clean- icon and double-click it to run and follow the onscreen prompts.
  • The application will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so as this is very important.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 one more time only.
  • Make sure you have re-enabled your Anti-Virus/Internet-Security applications after the restart.

Please let us know if this solves your issue in a reply to this thread.

Thank you. :)

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With the exception of a few stray entries, it has been removed and no longer runs anywhere.


Just a minor extra, with earlier versions we did advise you to make sure you removed the program from Programs and Features.

But with the newer removal tool, this is not always required today, so 1PW has given you the latest removal methods...


Thank You -

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