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Tray Icons and boot issues in Windows 8.1 64 bit


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When I boot up the only programmes I allow into my start up tray are latest versions of Zone Alarm Free firewall, AVG AV Paid, and Malwarebytes Premium. I am now trying to use Premium AE.

I get the following problem both with using MBAE AND . I have also set a delayed start to MWB (various tried). I also run Rapport for my internet banking recommended protection. (disabled when installing MBAE). Without MBAE all of the other programmes work together fine and there are no problems.


On initial boot, the volume control icon shows audio not working (but it is) its just the wrong icon, network icon is missing, MWB icon is missing and probably not loading, AVG and ZA loading correctly. This occurs when MBAE is set to load with windows. However, if I then either put the computer to sleep and resume OR log off and log on again, all of the programmes and icons load correctly.


My preferred work around is to disable MBAE starting when windows boots (use CCleaner/tools/startup/disable). Then every time I boot all programs and icons load correctly. I then manually start up MBAE from the program menu. And there are no issues using the computer.


I am running Windows 8.1 Pro with all the latest Microsoft patches and the latest copies/patches for the other programmes. This seems an initial boot conflict or something. Has anyone else had this issue. This happens when using either MBAE premium or the new experimental beta.


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Thanks for the quick response. On overwriting experimental with MBAE 1.04, same issue occurred on first reboot from cold (i.e. computer completely switched off rather than restart option). On subsequent restarts and a couple of cold reboots the  issue has gone - everything as normal. I will continue with 1.04 and monitor it. This may also be the reason why I didn't see this when originally trying MBAE. At some stage I would like to use the latest program, does this give a clue as to the cause? In development had you thought of having a check box for dont start with windows or doing the delay feature thats in MWB?

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