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Can't update data base

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My data base won't update. I keep getting a "can't access server" error message. For background information, I have been running MBAM for several weeks with no problems. Then about an hour ago, I could not open MBAM - kept getting an error message. So I used the MBAM clean removal tool and reinstalled MBAM. The data base that it is now using is dated yesterday. What can be done to get the data base to update? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello RW,

I would like to gather additional information to help troubleshoot the problem. Please follow the steps below to collect this information.

At this point, set your Windows Explorer ( windows File Manager) to show all folders, by doing as described for your version of Windows at this page

On Winwod 7, 8, or Vista, on most all of the following programs and tools, you will need to do a right-click on the program link or shortcut or desktop icon (as appropriate) and then select Run as Administrator. Please remember that as you go along and use these tools, each in turn.

Step 1 – Malwarebytes Check Log

Please download and save our diagnostic tool, mbam-check.exe, to your desktop from this link.


Double-click mbam-check.exe to launch the tool. A black command prompt window will briefly appear, and then a log file will open. The log which opens will be saved to your desktop as CheckResults.txt.

Please attach that log file to your next reply so that we may troubleshoot the issue further.

We have a beta version 2.0.3 which should help resolve the issue you are now having. It fixes a number of issue, including this one.
Please let me know if you are amenable to getting and using it. I would recommend that you get it.


See the top-sticky notes at https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/forum/154-malwarebytes-anti-malware-203-beta-test/

Best regards,

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Hi Maurice,


Thanks for the information. Attached is the log that you requested. I downloaded MBAM 2.0.3 and it seems to correct the problem. I have re-enabled self protection. Are there any other settings that i should make?






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OK.  Given that you now have Version  the updating of database ought to go fine without an issue.

This issue you saw is unfortunate, only happened to a minority of users;   but this version is the cure for that.


No other measures are needed.  I would simply recommend the typical settings, that I typically advise to all.


Take a look inside the program. Start the Anti-Malware. Click on the Settings icon at the top bar up at top.
Then click the **Advanced Settings** button at the left.
Be sure all top 3 lines on that window are check-marked ( selected ).

Now a couple of changes for each of the Update task & the Threat scan task in the Scheduler.
Click on **Automated Scheduling** button.

Locate and click once on **Check for Updates** line and press Edit. Then press the Advanced button at bottom left.
Slide the window up so you can see all of it. {press the mouse on the very top bar and slide UP }
A few changes are needed.
Look at the "starting time" of the task and use some good time when you know that your computer will be on & powered & that Windows would be on at that time.
Look at the line in Schedule Options. UN-check "Show notification after successful update".

In the Frequency and Settings. Select Hourly and I suggest using the Recurrence at 4 hours.
In the Recovery Options put a check-mark on "Recover missed tasks" and select 1 hour
When done, press the OK button.

Locate and click once on the Threat Scan line and press Edit.Then press the Advanced button at bottom left.
Slide the window up so you can see all of it. {press the mouse on the very top bar and slide UP }

In the Schedule Options, put a check-mark on the line Terminate program when no threats are found
{when no malwares are detected you want the scheduled task to close}.

In the Frequency and Settings block.
You should have Daily and the recurrence set to 1 day.
now UN-check the line Check for updates before scanning {{that line should be always off otherwise the task may not run at the time set. It maybe run +/- 15 minutes of that period.}

In the Recovery Options put a check-mark on "Recover missed tasks" and select 1 hour
When done, press the OK button.

When completely done, close the window.

A fresh Windows start would be good to do at this point. Use Logoff and Restart Windows.

Monitor your system over the next day or two and let me know how it goes.



The program will notify you when the released version is available. 
For now, start the program. Click Settings icon on the very top bar.
Click the button marked Update settings on the left.
Look at the white area marked Update Options
Be sure that the line is selected with a check-mark for
Check for program updates when checking for database updates.

Thanks for choosing Malwarebytes.
I wish you all the best.

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