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AntiMalware Offline updates (automated)

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Hi All,


Brief overview of situation:


We run a large number of servers and unfortunately the Paid version of MalwareBytes doesn't support Windows Server edition/Session hosts. However we like MalwareBytes and recently had a couple of issues where a scan from Malwarebytes picked up things that were missed by other software. The only problem is that in order to do this, the server had to remain connected to our internal network in order to get the updates.


What we would like is someway to get an offline copy of the rules, but have it up to date and automated. This way should an issue happen on one of our servers, we can disable the NIC, copy and paste via Console the offline rules package and run a scan using the most up to date version of Malwarebytes while leaving the server isolated from the Network.


As a side note - if this is something where we would need to pay a licence - we would be interested still.


So Forum peoples and MalwareBytes Staff - bring forth your ideas - I have browsed the forums, I have found links that to the offline updates location, but these are 3 days old and also currently not automated.

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  • Root Admin

Hello and :welcome:


There is no official support of Server as endorsed by Microsoft but the program does work quite well on Server and we have thousands of customers that run it on various Windows Server platforms.


The free use of MBAM is not allowed on any type of business, government, educational, or non-profit systems. All use aside from consumer home use requires a paid license. The currently supported version is 1.75 for business use.


Please contact sales and they can assist you with purchasing the correct licensing model as well as documentation and support with off line updating.


If you have any other general questions please let me know, otherwise Sales can assist you.


Thank you

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