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Error when trying to install free version

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I used to have a free copy of Malwarebytes on my work computer which runs XP but I had to remove it as the company did not want any software other than there own software on their computers but now we are allowed to install Malwarebytes. My problem is that after I download and try to run the program I get an error message that prevents the software from running and says my trial is over. I have the free version so there should not be a trial. How would I get around that error message?





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Hello and :welcome:

Thanks for your interest in using Malwarebytes. As this is a business computer, your business is correct and you should not install any software that they did not authorize for use on the business computer.

If you company is now allowing the use of Malwarebytes on a business computer, then the company needs to buy and use a business license for the use of Malwarebytes on said computer, using the consumer version on a business computer is in violation of the EULA.

Have your IT folks go to the Business section for the proper licensing HERE...

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